Another great Lucifer played by Viggo Mortensen in the Movie „The Prophecy“ or also known as „Gods Army“.Digital Painting – Din A3 – with Procreate

Mr. Louis Cyphre from the movie Angel Heart played by Robert De Niro Size A3 Digital Painting with procreate

The legendary Mr Lucifer from Constantine 2005Played by the amazing Mr. Peter Stormare I love to try new things in procreate on my iPad, so this drawing/painting happened. Size A3

Charcoal on Linen/Cardboard Kohle auf Leinen/Karton

UNFINISHED, Acrylic on Linen ~2015 50 x 50cm

A quick painting….

Pencil Drawing A4

Oil on Cardborad 40x 50cm

Oil on Canvas 40 x 50cm

Oil on canvas / Öl auf leinwand 40 x 50cm

Oil on Paper / Öl auf Papier 30 x 40cm

Oil on Canvas / Öl auf Leinwand 40 x 50cm

Oil on Canvas / Öl auf Leinwand 40 x 50cm

Oil on canvas / Öl auf Leinwand 40 x 50cm

Oil on Canvas/Linen 40 x 50cm

Pencil on paper 30 x 42cm

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